Title: The Colour of Sanity is Crème
Author: Lucifer Hisaki (
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang with a splash of Gate/Roy Mustang
Summary: In Which Mustang gets an up close and personal encounter with the Gate and has some interesting consequences.
Disclaimer: You do not have a legal suit for the whole FMA thing. So don't even try.
Word Count: 8105
springkink's October 18th: Fullmetal Alchemist, Ed/Roy: tentacle!sex, first time bottom, bondage, multiple orgasms - Alchemy gone wrong, but not-so-disaterous results.'
Notes: You have... a lame attempt on Tentacles, allusions to Future "Male Pregnancy", see after story notes for more information, and a lot of other f**ked up sh*t. The writer does not like this fic but hates it with her entire being. Apologies for this being so late but I just now finished this (31 Jan '08), also I think I failed at the last part. No I failed at everything in this. My deepest apologies to the person who gave this prompt. Oh and the style of writing is probably very unlike anything you seen before.
The Colour of Sanity is Crème )
X-posted to all relating communities. Sorry about the same in advance.