
Feb 03, 2007 22:34

So I just came back from a rave at my college. Dance and had fun but I have a slight problem. I am touchy feely, once I get used to someone I have no problem hugging them goodbye or even doing a kiss on each cheek or the forehead. I do this with most of my female friends (good friends who are ok with it, like at camp or something) And I would do it with male friends if they wouldn't you know freak out (looks straight at jeans)
anyway I have a friend who i think I'm kinda leading on with out MEANING to. I just relized that tonight. I don't know what to do. I know for a fact that while I flirt regarless of gender that I like males... I think

in the end I'll just keep telling her no, I guess, and refrian for touchy feelyness...
Because I do know one thing.
I don't like clams.. Espcailly of the beared varity
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