Title: Of Packing and Airport Mayhem
Series: Dong Bang Family
Pairing: YunJaeHo, SuChun
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Unbeta <-- that alone should make you guys running for the hill TT-TT.. CRACK!
Disclaimer: Not mine!..d'uh!
Summary: The family going for a holiday~!
- Part of Dong Bang Family series.
- There will be no definite AU or Canon in this series.. Heck, I won’t even confirm Minnie’s age in the series. He could be six, sixteen, 20 or whatever age I like. Each drabble won’t be a continuation from before.. just a slice in our Dong Bang family life. Basically in this universe, Jaejoong and Yunho would be in their twenties while the ‘kids’ would vary from each episode. Only Jaejoong and Yunho would remain the same as their Appa/Umma. So it’s not exactly a series… more like snapshots of ‘what could have been's.
Minnie Is A Good Boy,
Of PeePee Poking and Saying Sorry,
Of Naughty Corner And Mistletoe,
Of Bullying and Possessiveness,
Of Fashion Show and Teapot Song,
Of ABC and Tattletale,
Of Princess and Fairytales,
Drabbles Set I,
Drabbles Set II,
Drabbles Set III,
The Beginning,
Minnie Drabble I: Surprise Party,
Minnie (Mini) Drabble - Umma and Baby,
Revenge and Regrets,
Just Another Sweet Day ,
A Day On A Farm ,
Prequel to Loss and Grief (drabble iii - 'Precious') ,
Of Loss and Grief ,