Title: Let Men Burn the Stars
vaguelynormalPairing: Yunho/Changmin, Yunho/ Jaejoong
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Dub-con in one part, mpreg, space AU written for
yunchunnified if she wants it ^^ and
abcdefghiluvyou - it consists of all her kinks crammed into one disaster.
Summary: ‘Do you know who I am?’
Yunho thinks of all the stories he has read about pirates, all the tales he’s heard from his master’s guests and only one name comes to mind. ‘C-Changmin?’
Part III//
Part IV//
Part V Title: Feel Good Drag
vaguelynormalPairing: Yunho/ Junho, mentions of Yunho/ Junsu
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Demons, underage Yunho
enigmaxempressSummary: The demon in Yunho is far too powerful for one so young and far too difficult to maintain.
like the devil is in your hands. Title: Young Life
vaguelynormalPairing: Yunho/Changmin, Yunho/Junsu, Yunho/Junho, Yunho/Jaejoong
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Underage Yunho. For the darling Empress’ birthday last week. Her request was for OT5, which we all know means everyone x Yunho in my mind.
Summary: Yunho gets a half-demon pet for his fifteenth birthday.
Part I //
Part II