Title: In These Woods
uke_sama_senseiCharacters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Benny Laffite, Andrea, Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Charlie Bradbury, and more...
Genre: Romance, Drama, Action, Hurt/Comfort, Alpha/Omega World
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Sam/Jess, Benny/Andrea, Jo/Dean (very briefly)
Rating: Explicit
Word-count: 37,133
Warnings: Sexism, Minor Character Death (canon), Dubious Consent, Alpha/Omega, Knotting, Dom/sub Undertones, NSFW Art, Oral Knotting, Omega Topping an Alpha
Summary: The Great War between alphas and omegas ended over a year ago and the birthrate still hasn’t stabilized. The victors with control of the new government, the alphas, enact an ordinance that every omega of birthing age must conceive within the year or face “consequences”, in order to avoid future economic burden. Since he has no desire to have children, Dean goes on the run before the government can force him to comply. When he’s caught he quickly finds out what kind of “consequences” they have planned for him - they come in the form of a blue-eyed, dark-haired disgraced soldier who felt similarly about the order to mate.
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The words "In These Woods" were written with a black calligraphy, then scanned in and edited in photoshop. The texture comes from the first artwork.
First piece of art I did for this story, that could work as a "cover page" of sorts
Everything was made with drawing/sketching pencils on printer paper. The characters, the title and the trees were all drawn on separate papers, then scanned in and put together and edited in photoshop. This is what I started with before everything was scanned and edited:
Closeups of Dean and Castiel's faces
It was really fun to draw their faces. I'm constantly trying to improve my skills, and looking at Dean's face? It makes me all happy and giddy, because I can definitely see improvement in my style. With all of my big/minibang art, I push myself and try to do better each time.
And this is the NSFW, spoiler art! (that I know a lot of you look forward too)
Same technique used here, only, everything's drawn on the same paper. Since Dean is an omega, I went ahead and made him look a bit softer with more lean muscles rather than bulky(though, the possibility is that it's just my style as well, and not a fully conscious decision, pffffff-), and tried to make Castiel look a bit more compact Alpha. (Though, I do always draw Castiel at least a little muscular... bah, drawing for this fic just suited me very well)
And it comes with closeups as well
Mmmmmh, yes.
I also made a divider, using the trees I made for the first art.