
Sep 25, 2006 13:56

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gfs_wesleypryce September 26 2006, 03:37:36 UTC
When Wesley had seen how frustrated Rupert had been getting with the books, leaving his tea to go cold, he had known that he had to do something. So he had mentioned that he'd be right back...and hadn't been at all surprised when it didn't appear his lover had heard him. Shaking his head, he had quickly slipped out of the room ( ... )


g_watcher September 27 2006, 01:12:00 UTC
If it were up to Giles, he would throw the ruddy budgets out the window and just spend whatever he needed. But, it wasn't up to him and he knew the board wanted the books to be balanced before their first meeting in a week. He wasn't looking forward to sitting in a room with the likes of Roger Wyndam-Pryce. Giles had already promised himself he'd throttle the bastard if he started on Wesley ( ... )


gfs_wesleypryce September 28 2006, 01:30:10 UTC
For a moment, Wesley was tempted to pick up the tea tin and check it for some kind of spell or drug when Rupert jumped up, yelling. When he saw his lover pick up the piece of paper that had been on the floor, he laughed and shook his head.

"This tea must be stronger that usual. Didn't even have to drink any, and it helped," he murmured even though Rupert didn't appear to hear him. However, once he stepped over and gave him a kiss, he gave him a smile. "You're welcome. I figured that when you started getting frustrated, you needed the tea."

Giving him another kiss, he walked over to the electric kettle and picked it up, filling it from the sink that was inset in the wall. Once it was plugged in and heating up, he turned back to his lover.

"So now that the mystery of the unbalancing budget is solved, I take it we need to go through it to make sure that we can indeed help the others get places to live outside the complex. Probably the sooner, the better. I've heard that the younger Slayers are rather getting on their nerves."


g_watcher September 28 2006, 23:32:12 UTC
While Wesley plugged in the electric kettle, Giles went to work on the budget. With the missing paper now found, things were making more sense. Instead of being in the hole, they were actually ahead by quite a lot. He smiled and leaned back in his chair as Wesley spoke ( ... )


gfs_wesleypryce September 30 2006, 21:17:51 UTC
"I wasn't suggesting we give them the money for free now. I figured that they'd be helping around here, like Fred since she's been assisting us," Wesley told him ( ... )


g_watcher October 1 2006, 05:58:07 UTC
Giles couldn't help but to snort when Wesley made the comment about one of the jr. Slayers staking Angel. That would've been a sight to see! "I think Angel could do with the tracking. Teach them how to be patience in their hunts. Also, I know he's done some meditation and could teach the girls that. I just don't want him dating any of them," he said.

When the tea was finished, Giles poured two cups and handed one to Wesley. "Making Cordelia our Seer is a good idea. Perhaps she could help with the research too. She was getting rather good at it before she left for Los Angeles," he noted before sitting down at his desk. The budget looked done so he made a note to send out a memo to all of them to meet them tomorrow about their jobs.

"Now that's finished, we have some forms we need some of the younger Slayers' parents to sign these forms so the Council don't get into any sort of legal trouble," he said as he rubbed his forehead. "Seems the paperwork keeps piling up."


gfs_wesleypryce October 2 2006, 05:01:39 UTC
Wesley was pleased that Rupert liked his ideas for Angel and Cordelia. He knew both of them could be a great help since they had come to England with them. They had obviously changed a lot in the time they had been in Los Angeles. Of course, Wesley himself had changed since he had first met them as well in Sunnydale - he was just glad that Rupert and the others had allowed him to prove himself, given that had been quite a stick-in-the-mud when he had first arrived. Actually, stick-up-the-arse was probably more accurate ( ... )


g_watcher October 3 2006, 04:00:56 UTC
Giles smiled when Wesley offered to take care of the Slayers' parents. He was never good at dealing with the families, and Wesley was much better at him. "Thank you, love," he murmured. He then softly moaned as Wesley started to massage the back of his neck. "You keep that up, and I'm going to have to clear my desk and see how sturdy it is ( ... )


gfs_wesleypryce October 5 2006, 00:09:11 UTC
When Rupert threatened to clear off his desk, Wesley smirked a bit and rubbed his lover's neck a few more times before letting go. They rather had a...bad habit of testing the furniture in places. The library. Rupert's flat. The Magic Shop. The house in Bath ( ... )


g_watcher October 5 2006, 17:24:31 UTC
“Quentin’s nephew, Oliver, is making the most noise about Fred. He seems rather set on making our lives a living hell. I believe he blames us for the bombing last year. He’s always been an utter wanker,” Giles grumbled before taking a sip of tea. “If the Travers family didn’t have such a strong hold on the Council, I’d kick his arse out ( ... )


suxtobechosen October 6 2006, 03:43:35 UTC
Buffy all but dragged Xander to Giles' and Wes' offices, pausing only long enough to goad him into buying her a mocha to wash down her breakfast of cold pizza. She paused outside the door long enough to be sure that the sounds coming from inside the room were the sounds of conversation and paperwork, and not slightly more naughty and greatly more disturbing things that she really didn't want to walk in on... again ( ... )


zeppoxan October 6 2006, 04:02:35 UTC
Xander let Buffy drag him down to Wesley and Giles' office. When she knocked, and didn't wait for them to say anything before pushing the door open, he slapped his hand over his eyes. He respected the two Watchers, but he couldn't forgot the time he walked in on them at the Magic Box. Holy-moly! He had the hardest time getting the image out of his mind, and had to talk Anya into...well, it was something which made him blush.

"Are they decent?"

When Buffy started on her tangent, and boy was so good at the manipulation, Xander removed his hand. He grinned at Wes and Giles. "Oh! Jaffa cakes!" he said before going over to the package and pulling a couple out. He shoved them in his mouth and nodded along with Buffy.

"They tried to attack me this morning for my pizza!" Xander said before shoving more Jaffa cakes in his mouth.


gfs_wesleypryce October 11 2006, 04:23:05 UTC
Before Wesley could tell Rupert that they probably would have to pull as many of the academy graduates in as Watchers as they could, the door opened and Buffy and Xander came into the office. He rolled his eyes a little at Xander's question as to whether they were decent ( ... )


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