So I finally saw Shame with some lovely non-slashy people and then I got drunk and this happened:
a tiny snippet of x-men Charles/Erik porn. Ha.
I have no idea if it's any good, but I'm not too bothered, which is enjoyable in itself; I've been taking so much exhaustive care over all the aspects of every Sherlock sex/not-quite-sex scene, I'd sort of forgotten how nice it is to just write smut and then let it go.
Now to watch Martin Freeman on S01E05 of Charlie Brooker's You Have Been Watching. Yay! Fandom collision ahoy! :D
ETA: OH GOD. You know when that switch flicks in your brain and everything an actor does is hot as fuck, even if it is essentially fairly normal and/or boring behaviour? That has clearly happened here. Because MF is doing little more than being himself* and I am glazing over. Huh.
*with his smirking and his sarcastic comments and his sandy brown hair. wtf, self. wtf.
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