Title: And The World Fell Down
Rating: NC-17 Violence, murder, knives and blood, politics, power and mind games, shades of stockholm and general unpleasantness.
Disclaimer: None of these people belong to me.
Summary: World War II stretches for a decade too long and we learn just what we are willing to sacrifice for the illusion of safety. A world is divided in two, the Eurasia Alliance(EA) and the Pacific Bloc (PB), the threat of nuclear annihilation is ever imminent and warfare is unending. Within this climate of fear and oppression, where dissent is crushed and the State all powerful, a familiar set of players exist as best they can, on this stage.
Starring: Peter Mandelson, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Ed Balls, Alastair Campbell, David Miliband, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg, Andy Burnham, George Osborne
Table of Contents:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/5048.htmlPart 1:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/2555.htmlPart 2:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/2743.htmlPart 3:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/2822.htmlPart 4:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/3122.htmlPart 5:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/3557.htmlPart 6:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/3642.htmlPart 7:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/3973.htmlPart 8:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/4319.htmlPart 9:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/4515.htmlPart 10:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/4706.html APPENDIX:
Part 1:
http://slashinglolitic.livejournal.com/1565.htmlPart 2: