graphic shamelessly stolen from
kainosite So friends....... a week ....A MERE WEEK after our dear leader spoke about unity in the party...our Dear Leader has in his infinate wisdom has decided to sack Labour's chief whip Dame Rosie Winterton....
not only does he sack the one woman who had kept the party running as smoothly as it possibly could ...... but remember how the whips threatened to resign en masse in the reshuffle of hell earlier this year, if Rosie was sacked?
Yeah that.
Also Diane Abbot is Shad Home Sec
Shami Chakrabarti after being given a peerage is going to be Shadow Attorney General.
The man, yes man who will be replacing her is Nick Brown. From the "Gordon Brown Bunker Days" combine that with Damian McBride and well this does not look good for Corbyn's mental state