Status: you guys are killin' me.
Well, some of you guys are fantastic. And some of you did the exact thing I specifically asked you not to do in the sign-ups and made my life a misery by not defaulting in advance.
Pinch hits have gone out, so we'll hopefully have something for everyone by the end of the day and we'll finally be able to open our presents.
Since pinch hits produced in a few hours probably can't be as good as gifts people have spent an excessively long time working on, it would be great if the delinquents could repent of their delinquency even at this late hour and still post their gifts. Even if you can't, please comment on your present instead of hiding under a rock in shame. I'm unhappy, but I'm not that mad, I promise; I won't actually hit you with a stick if you show your face. Don't make your Santa sad too.