Back after a long hiatus: The Weekly dicussion post!!! ( Christmas Edition)

Dec 21, 2015 05:06

Here have some images of our political Christmas Cards from Ed (Awww - and I mean Awww) David (Lol very formal) and Nick (Awww <3)

Miriam and Nick's is from 2014:

No Christmas Card from him this year *cries*

EdMili continues being super cute with his Christmas Cards:

(Floofy Curls!!!)
And double posting this just because:

David Cameron's uber serious ones (Oh Dave: Why so serious? )

Rubbing it in this year:

But awww check out these pictures of cuteness, from Cameron Christmas Cards Past:

And here's Jezza's first Christmas Card as Leader of the Opposition:

And George's Christmas Card which (awww <3 <3 )

But now onto the more serious stuff

  1. Given the Oldham West By-Election result, is it now almost certain that Jeremy will lead us into 2020? Since the Scottish results and other by-elections will likely not have a bearing on the security of his leadership?
  2. What will happen with the inevitable cabinet re-shuffle? Will Hilary Benn lose his postition, and be replaced with someone closer to his own postition on Foreign intervention, like say Abbot and Lewis etc?
  3. Will the influence of Momentum and the hard left increase and cause a split a la the SDP spilt of the 1980's leading to another 10 years in opposition?
  4. Turning to the Tories: How will David's EU negotiations go? Will he get everything he wants?.
  5. Will there be a split in the Conservatives- ( I mean forget about the Labour Party, what about the Conservatives, and the disary they are in?)
  6. Who's going to win the London Mayoral Election? Sadiq or Zac? Since the Greens and maybe the Lib-Dems will be backing Zac ( and yes I know that Sadiq has a six lead over Zac. Though we know that could all change within a couple of months.

dcam takes names and breaks hearts, adorable ineptness, jeremy corbyn has a beige suit, ed 'herpderp' miliband, fanart, nick clegg is a slut, weekly round up, weekly discussion post, george 'gideon' osborne

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