Ok, so there's good news and bad news. What do you want to hear first, bbs?
Mr Cameron claimed that Labour's attacks on the coalition are pushing the Tories and the Lib Dems 'closer together'.
He believes Labour is making a massive mistake in using the Lib Dems as a 'lightning rod' for its attacks on spending cuts imposed in last week's emergency Budget.
The two parties are working so closely together, according to Downing Street sources, that there is even a possibility of Mr Cameron and his deputy Nick Clegg making appearances at each other's annual conferences in September.
Two for the price of one! YAAAAY. Nick & Dave have got each other!
However Mr Cameron declared that Mr Clegg will never take charge of the country even when he is abroad or on holiday.
The Prime Minister insisted that modern technology means he can remain at the helm wherever he is in the world.
He said he intended to avoid the 'carry on' spectacle under the last government, when senior Labour ministers scrambled to take the reins of power when Tony Blair or Gordon Brown were away.
Oh. No Prime Minister Nick :( GDI, faceyb.