Jan 22, 2008 22:58
Me and my friends were meant to be having a night out in cardiff city center last thurs, and so we could remain out all night, we booked a room at the travel lodge to crash in. However due to problems, we couldnt go and had the booking moved to thurs 31st Jan instead. It now turns out a couple of others and myself have to work until midnight that night now, and as a result the ideas been cancelled (the other dates we looked at are not available).
The thing is, the room bookings is paid for and non refundable so we've (Read I as I booked it!) lost £49 from cancelling outright, but before I do that, is anyone here interested in taking it for the night instead for £35? Might aswell see if someone wants to make use out of it before I go and cancel! Its a 3/4 bed family room (double bed with sofa and a pullout) for one night.