[Siren's Pull] - Application

Jun 18, 2011 23:27

Player Information

Name: LAnn
Age: 20
AIM SN: I don't have one.
email: lannmorlan@yahoo.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes.
Currrently Played Characters: Reim Lunettes - silverlunettes
Conditional: Activity Check: Right Here

Character Information
Canon Source: Axis Powers Hetalia
Canon Format: Webcomic, Anime, Manga, Movie
Character's Name: United Kingdom, England, Great Britain, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland --- but you can call him Arthur Kirkland, as it is his human name.
Character's Age: 1000+ -- He looks 23.

What form will your character's NV take?
His NV is a tea cup and a saucer. It folds up so it can fit into his pocket. When he needs to use it, he can unfold the tea cup entirely into a video and audio board. The saucer works as the keyboard, should he need to have a text based entry. The cup could hold tea, but he won't use it for that. He'll just get more china after his arrival. Or steal some of France's china, if he has any.

Character's Canon Abilities:
Immortal -- As he is the personification of England, he can't actually die. Well, not in the human sense, anyway. His health and well being correlate directly with how affairs are being handled in his home country, with the economy and other life altering situations. Meaning that if the country of England should get attacked and fall apart, so would the personification of England. For Siren's Pull purposes, I'm not going to update his health with current events of England unless I go on hiatus and he goes back home for a while.

Sees and Communicates with Mythical Creatures -- England has always been able to see and communicate with mythical creatures. It's to be expected for two reasons: one, he was raised by fairies and two, the beliefs of his people are very strong, allowing him the ability to see them as he aged. Though his main group of mythical friends includes at least one unicorn, a fairy, and flying mint bunny, it's been shown that he can see these creatures outside of his country as well. While visiting Japan's home, England met and communicated with a kappa.

Magic with Spells and Potions -- From the beliefs of the English people, England can do magic with spells and potions. Or, at least he should be able to. Although he's been shown to actively attempt spell casting and potion making, it's not very good at it. Luckily, the abilities he gained from his mythical friends generally keep his spells from backfiring and causing a great catastrophe. Most of the time, the spells will just be altered some from what England originally wanted. Summoning Russia instead of the devil, for example.

Britannia Angel -- There's only been one canon appearance as England as the Britannia Angel, and in that webcomic, he turned South Korea into a small child. Other than that, the extent of his abilities in this form are unknown.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them?
Expanding on the Britannia Angel -- I'd still like him to turn into his angel form, at first on accident because he's drunk or something, and then gain a little better of an ability to control it. In this form, he'd be able to fly and summon a wand. His only magic would be turning people into small children, which he wouldn't use very often, if not at all. If he were to use the ability to change people into children, the effect would only last for an hour, max, and it doesn't change their mental age at all.

His Fists -- It's been shown in several instances that he can fight with his bare hands, especially during the Hetalia movie. He's quite good at it, actually, and could probably defend himself if the need arise. However, he's not as good as he thinks he is. He's not a trained professional, and would easily lose to one.

He's also able to use a gun, a bow with arrows, and a sword reasonably well, however he won't be arriving at the port with any of these things.

Character History:
History of England
^ This is the literally history of England, the country. What I'm typing below is the instances that happen in the canon that needs to be stated for character development and relationship descriptions.

Childhood - "Fashionable" Hair
England grew up with France as his elder. In their first appearance, England is a child while France is a pre-teen. France is making fun of England's short hair, calling it 'unrefined' because it was out of fashion. England yelled at France for being stupid and that his hair was dumb. After he ran away from France, he decided to grow out his hair, despite the rules made by the bishop. After a year of growing out his hair, it looks straggly and far from smooth. He runs off to sulk. When France finds him, he mistakes England for a giant golden caterpillar and grabs him. France then offers him a hair cut. France cuts it back to England's original style, tells him 'it looks cool on you', and then runs away.

Childhood - Tunics
After the hair incident, England and France meet again, this time France is wearing a tunic. England laughs at his girly dress, and France berates England for not knowing the fashions of France. When England says that he's into manly fashions, France looks rejected and tells England that he had one just for England. France says he'll just have to be stylish and wear it on his head. England panics and says he'll wear it.

Childhood - Codpieces
England sneaks into France to try and figure out where France's fashion is going to go so that way he can get the fashion faster than France. When he falls in the middle of the street, a man stops and asks if he's alright. The man is wearing a codpiece and it scares England half to death.

Childhood - The End of the World
France openly worries about the world ending in the year 1000, and after the 'Final Judgment' is over, he'll go to hell. He tells England through tears that his dream was to conquer England and tells him that his unfulfilled dream will die with him. England agrees to let France conquer him, only because the world is suppose to be ending. The year 1000 turns out to be a completely ordinary year and they're both extremely disappointed.

Pirates and Spain
Not much of England's pirate era is actually mentioned, but in the late 1500's, England grew jealous of Spain and decided to dethrone him. England sent pirates, which he called privateers, off to attack Spain. When Spain complained to him, England explained that the pirates were giving him trouble as well, which was a complete lie. One day, Spain came to protest and saw England giving medals to the privateers. After that, Spain got beaten so badly that he gave up his seat of power to England.

Meeting America
Sweden and Finland caught sight of America first, as a small child in the wilderness. When England and France heard about this, they ran to America to go see. Each one wanted America as their little brother. They fought about it for a while, and then France tried to bribe America with food. England went into a corner of woe, knowing that his food could never compete with France's. Because England was crying, America chose England over France. Now having America as his brother, England swore that he would protect America with everything he could. Then America picked up a bison effortlessly with his bare hands. England decided that America probably didn't need as much protection as he thought.

America's Childhood
America loved everything England had to offer, including England's food, which is where America's bad taste in food comes from. When England would try and go back to Europe, America would have a fit and cry. Because he felt bad for leaving America, England would always get America toys and clothes all the time. At times, when America became scared of ghosts and things, America would sleep with England. Unfortunately, England would fall asleep quickly, leaving America frightened. One day, England tells America to be brave and grow strong before he leaves for Europe. When he comes back to America, America has grown taller than him. Thus, his childhood is over.

The War of Austrian Succession
England joined the war on Austria's side, only because France joined Prussia's side. When France left the war, so did England, who left a note for Austria telling him that the only reason he joined the war was to kick France's butt.

The Revolution
America told England that he wasn't England's little brother anymore and he wanted independence. In a battle, England managed to overpower America, but couldn't shoot him. England broke down and starting crying right in front of America, letting America win the war. When America saw England bawling, America said that England was once so great.

England vs. Whales
In the 1800's, America went to Japan to make friends with whales. England thought it was because America was lonely and offered to be America's friend in a very blushy, tsundere manner. England was rejected by a smiling and laughing America.

Making Friends with Japan
In 1902, seeing Russia as a threat, England decided that making friends would probably be a good idea. First he tried to make friends with Germany, who outright rejected him because he didn't want to be enemies with Russia. Then he tried to make friends with Japan. The prospects of their partnership looked good until he heard that Japan's boss wanted Japan to make an alliance with Russia. England was about to give up until Japan came and told England that he really wanted to make an alliance with him. England agreed, saying that he was forming the alliance for himself, not Japan. Later, England bragged to France that his alliance with Japan was going to beat France's alliance with Russia. In their alliance, England taught Japan how to speak English.

Sealand acts as England's little brother, as he was the H.M. Fort Roughs that the country England created for World War II. Their human last names even match. England still cares for Sealand, but their relationship hinges on lectures and England yelling at Sealand a lot. Because of his unfortunate past with America, England has nightmares about Sealand growing up and becoming a country, and then leaving him.

The Allied Powers - Repeating Arguments
America and England fought in the Allied Powers meetings all the time. In one noted argument, England, still bitter about The Revolutionary War, was always quick to make fun of America's plans. America returns with a retort about England's terrible scones. England tries to choke America and yells that he made the scones just for America and he should be grateful.

The Allied Powers - Rumors about Germany
France and England decide to team together to spread terrible rumors about Germany. England tries to convince Italy that Germany was talking about him behind his back. He failed to convince Italy because Italy ran to Germany to ask if it was true. France and England talk about how annoying the two are together before they go to a bar together.

The Allied Powers - Terrible Plans
England went to take America drinking in hopes that he could humiliate the younger country. Instead, England got drunk and ranted about how America would not be where he is without him. Then he cries about America being ungrateful. In the morning, he's hiding under a blanket in an Allied Powers meeting.

The Allied Powers - Busby's Chair
England brings in the chair of the murderer Thomas Busby, who died in the chair. There were rumors that the chair was possessed and whomever sat in the chair would die. The chair was said to kill sixty-one people before. The plan: for America to sit in the chair and die. Instead, Russia sits in the chair, and breaks it. Later on, England attempts to dare someone else, especially the Axis Powers, to sit in the chair. Russia makes himself comfortable in it and breaks the chair a second time.

Then Comes Marriage
During the Suez Crisis, France's boss wanted France to marry England. France proposed, even though he didn't want to, and England refused, telling France to go get a calendar because it wasn't April Fool's Day. France told England he had a calendar and handed him the contract. England scribbled all over the contract. When France gets upset, England tells France to sort out his own problems. England is then kidnapped by France while France tells him that everything will work out.

Catching a Cold - France and America
England catches a cold. When France comes over and tells him that it's karma for treating France terribly, England doesn't respond. France starts freaking out because England isn't acting normal. When England tells France to get away, France thinks that England's feeling better. Then England tells France that he'll catch it as well. France freaks out even more, stating that England is never nice to him.
Later on, France takes England's temperature and sees that it hasn't gone down. France then says that it's his chance, but America bursts in before France can go through with his plan, which is never mentioned. America learns that England is sick, tells France he knows exactly what to do, and puts a burger on England's head.
When England is still sick, he tells America that he doesn't hate him, and goes to confess something else before passing out. America acts like he's happy about England's death. England awakens, horrified.

G8 Meeting - Canada
First G8 meeting noted, England realized that there were only 7 of the 8 countries there. No one can figure out who it is. Then Canada comes in and apologizes for being late. England doesn't recognize him at all. After the meeting, England mistakes Canada for America. France comes to Canada's aid, explaining who Canada really is. Then England and France ignore Canada and get into a fight.

G8 Meeting - Sealand
England wants to make sure that everyone is at the meeting this time and does a head count. He counts 8 people present. America makes fun of him for worrying. "Canada" agrees. However, Canada is actually Sealand who wants to be noticed as a country. England tries to scold Sealand but gets interrupted by America.

Current Day - America's Birthday
On America's birthday one year, England came over and starting explaining how terrible he felt around this time of year. He describes his nightmares, waking up in pain, and being unable to eat or sleep. But England explains that he came to enjoy the party anyway, just to end the week. America then told England that he always felt awesome around this time of year because he loved remembering how he humiliated England. England looks genuinely hurt. America then tells him that he was kidding and England gets enraged. England gives America his present, which is a glove set up to punch America in the face when he opened it. The real gift is tucked inside the box.

Current Day - Harry Potter
England shows up at Japan's with spoilers for the last Harry Potter book on his shirt. Japan freaks out and covers his eyes. England takes off his shirt, telling Japan that he was doing it for himself, not Japan. Japan asks how England could possibly benefit from taking off his shirt, only to see the spoilers for the book are also written on England's chest.

Point in Canon:
I'll be taking him from the current day era.
If you need a day, I'll be taking him from whatever day he arrives into the Port. So, sometime in July of this year. Before I make his first post onto the network, I'll research the current events for England and may make a comment on it depending on what's going on.

Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history:

Character Personality:
Once a Pirate, Now a Gentleman -- Though rare, England does have some gentlemanly moments through Hetalia, though most of them are directed towards Japan and the more calm countries. Usually, when he's doing these gentlemanly things, he'll say that he's doing it for himself, not for the other person while getting all blushy and irritable. When England attempts to be a gentleman towards America or France, things just blow up in his face and lead to large arguments.

Potty Mouth -- England cusses quite a bit. Most of the cuss words he uses are in British English, so 'wanker' and 'git' are used quite often, mostly in reference to France and America. This foul language stems from England's pirate years, before he settled down into this gentlemanly state.

Never the Right Words -- England is the king of terribly worded emotions. Though he cares deeply for America, France and Sealand, he'll purposely call them names and make fun of them. England calls America an idiot so much that there's a part in his character song "Pub & Go" where he calls America "baka" over 30 times. Despite that, England will have dreams about raising America in his childhood and gets extremely upset about America leaving him, especially when he's drunk.
England's relationship with Sealand works the same way. In the Hetalia movie, England calls Sealand and idiot after going to fight the enemy aliens, and when Sealand is turned into one, England calls him and idiot again, but the distress is obvious on his face.
Again, this is the same with France. England usually refers to France as a "frog", among other things. Still, he and France will agree on things and get along quite well, though he'll never admit it. Neither will France.

Loose, Drunken Lips -- England can't hold his liquor. At all. And when he does get drunk, he becomes very angry and emotional, like a violent delinquent. He'll scream at people and then he'll bawl. Most of these fits are directed towards America, for leaving him after the Revolutionary War and being ungrateful for everything that he did.

Hiding the Truth -- There are a lot of things England would never openly admit doing or liking, especially when around America. Being a pirate is one. France once started shouting in the middle of a meeting that England use to be a pirate and England got into a fist fight with him. When America isn't around, or when England is in battle, England will use his old pirating ways to express his experience in battle.
Using black magic is another. In a strip, America one walked in on England, who was trying to place a curse on Germany. England, to cover his tracks, welcomed America to a costume party instead of telling him what was really going on.

Is Anyone Home? -- England has been defined by other characters as spacey. The fairy tale friends he talks to makes everyone believe that he's spacey, especially America. Despite this, he will openly make fun of America's belief in aliens, and America's alien friend, Tony.

The Voice of Reason... sometimes. -- When in meetings talking about wars and plans, England will sometimes act as the voice of reason, especially when Germany isn't at the meeting. He'll sort out between the stupid and sane ideas and offer his own ideas. However, his quick temper often gets in the way and he'll end up in a fight with France or America, handing the voice of reason over to China at times. For the most part, when England gets in a fight and he has to act like the voice of reason at the meeting, the meeting is over.

... is that Supposed to be Food? -- Though some rather wonderful chefs left the country of England, England himself can't cook. At all. In fact, his scones nearly brought about the end of the world in the Hetalia movie. But he wants everyone to acknowledge his good cooking skills. Once, Prussia even tried his food for him and passed out, making everyone else believe that England killed Prussia with his food. Despite all of the terrible reviews he gets from the other characters, England rather enjoys cooking.

No, that Looks About Right -- The reason England's cooking and spells are, well, sub-par is because he's usually flaky on instructions. He may enjoy both projects, but he's not always great with instructions. The 'that looks right' approach may work for some things, but magic and food is not them. However, every time one of his projects fails, he never thinks it's because he can't follow the instructions.

Quiet Hobbies -- Despite his loud mouth and quick temper, England often dabbles in very calm hobbies, like cooking and embroidery, and rather enjoys them. In one episode, England was shown working on cross-stitching.

Not a Pervert! -- England himself doesn't act like a pervert openly, however his country keeps getting into the news for odd and unusual sex acts. For that reason, France and Greece labeled him as the world's most perverted country. He wants to prove them wrong, but is unable to do so.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game:

Character Plans:
Oh god, where do I start? See, the France mun that's already in the game and I are really close friends in real life, so we've been talking about this since I was accepted into the game as Reim. I'll sum up the main points as much as I can.

When England first gets there, he's going to somehow come into contact with France, who's going to get to where England is, punch England in the face, and bawl. Then they're going to live together. Their relationship will somehow blossom into a romantic one, in which France gets pure enjoyment out of watching England blush and yell at him. Constantly.

For his job, I was thinking about having him attempt to apply as a chef somewhere and then get ultimately rejected because, well, his cooking his terrible. Then he'd apply for a job at a book store or some sort of magic shop. If that doesn't work, I'll just get him some normal desk job.

If I get in before the 4th of July, I'm going to have him drunkenly post to the network and whine about how America is stupid and cry. In front of everyone. It. Will. Be. Awesome. Well, for me. England, not so much.

He has messy, short blond hair and green eyes. His eyebrows are very thick, despite the fact that he trims them. His height is 5'9'', which makes him the same height as France.



Britannia Angel:

Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[The video flicks on. The only thing visible on the video is a white ceiling and a mess of blond hair. After a second, a pair of thick eyebrows are visible, but there are no eyes quite yet.]

What the hell did you do?!

[There's a voice in the background, but it's hard to make out what it's saying. After a moment, a full face comes into view, a pair of green eyes glaring deeply at the screen. Then, the screen shifts, focusing on the green vest the man was wearing.]

My tea cup is my NV?! How did that happen?!

[The voice in the background speaks again.]


[The voice speaks again.]


[There's the sound of a chair clattering against the floor as the video moves again. Now, the video is focused on the man's jaw line, very irritated face looking far more menacing from that angle.]


[The video moves to the man's vest again as he walks for a while before getting outside. The video shifts, catching the blue sky and Arthur's face again. He still looks quite irritated, and his pace of walking doesn't slow.]

Wankers! Only making this more complicated.

[Finally, Arthur slows and looks around. After a second, he sits down and brings the NV for a better angle, showing his face entirely. There's a frown his face and he's giving everyone a rather unpleasant look.]

Since this thing is already broadcasting...

[Arthur clears his throat and attempts a smile. Almost immediately, it fades.]

People of... wherever the hell this is... I'm Arthur Kirkland. I'm looking for a man those idiots said would be here. His name is Francis Bonnefoy. If anyone has seen him, can you tell me where he is?

[His expression suddenly sours.]

It is not because I'm worried about that stupid frog, don't misunderstand!

[Lies! He is too worried about Francis. He just won't admit it to anyone. Ever. And with that, Arthur's hands fumble with the NV.]

How the hell do I turn this o-

[The broadcast disconnects.]

Third Person Sample
Arthur sighed and rested his head on the table, his right hand loosely gripping a mug of beer as he spaced off for a moment. His cheeks were stained red. A light hic-up escapes his lips as he sat up lightly to take another drink. Was this his third or forth glass? He couldn't remember, not that it mattered. He wanted to get wasted, trashed.

He turned to look next to him, an unfamiliar face staring his way. "What?" he demanded. The person stood up and walked away, only looking at him over his shoulder before he left. Arthur sighed irritably and took another drink. His mug was now nearly empty. He glared at it and sighed again before looking to his other side. A person sat down next to him and said something to him. The face looked familiar, but in his state, he couldn't tell who it was. "It's all his fault," he said to the person, pausing a moment to finish off his drink.

"It's all Alfred's fault for leaving me," he said, standing from his seat and wavering a bit before glaring at the man, "He... he's back in my world now, probably having a great time since I'm not there and I'm stuck here with that... that damn French man." Tears pooled in his eyes as he walked forward and grabbed the person to stabilize himself. "That idiot doesn't understand how I feel about him... and Alfred either. They're both bloody gits."

Arthur pauses before stepping away, a few tears escaping his eyes. "Daft. That's what they are. Both of them." He slammed his hands on the counter, his hand finding its way to the now empty mug. "Alfred and that damn war! And that frog with all of our fights. They're both wankers!"

An arm wrapped around his waist and he leaned against the person responsible, his arm finding their way to their shoulder to push them away. "I can handle myself! Don't you touch me!" The arm didn't go away. Somehow, he found his way outside, stumbling a little as he went. It was nearly dark outside, and objects were hard to make out. People were rushing about around him.

After a moment, Arthur sighed. "Look at all these idiots in a rush! On their way to make people miserable, no doubt. Just like Alfred and Francis. Bastards!"

application, siren's pull

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