My energy level, it seems, is at an all-time low... which is saying a lot considering there have been times in the past when I've seriously thought I might be suffering from chronic fatique or narcolepsy. If only I could make money sleeping -- I'd be a fucking billionaire
The next chapter for Manifest Destiny is FINALLY done and to my betas. It turned out to be a rough one because I realized after
xyellowroset took a first look at it, that I really needed to have made the last chapter two scenes, instead of one... with a scene with Katie and Spike talking, then with Buffy approaching. As it is, this chapter has far too much telling and not enough showing -- I want to rework that, and will during the final edit after the story is complete, but right now I just want to move on. So, the next chapter posted won't be my favorite, by far, but hopefully I've learned something from it.
The heat has broken here... a teensy little bit. But I'll take anything I can, at this point. I'm hoping that it will cool down enough tonight to make a soak in the hot-tub feasible.
Started the work to begin the refinance of my house... and can I tell you what a pain that is? But it has to be done, so I've got my credit union and another mortgage lender working on some numbers for me.
It sucks being a grown up.