Oct 21, 2005 07:25

Last night, I had a dream.

Someone had finally moved into the house next door to mine, and it happened to be....MC and her lovely family! I was very excited for this, and I went over their house to congratulate them on their move. While there, me and MC devised our best plan yet: bring your own egg night. We would invite all our friends, and tell them to bring over eggs any style: poached, scrambled, hard boiled, etc. Then we would watch egg-y movies, like Chicken Run, etc.

The next day I went over the house to find out that the Lalondes had moved out, and in their place was Kayla Robbins, who said, "David, can you help me? I need to babysit all these Madrichim kids." And so I ran around, pulling out my hair, watching 8 year olds.

The NEXT day, I went to the house again, and it was Alex Leanse's big birthday bash, where our entire class (8th grade Hausner, that is) was invited. Even Chris Morisson was there! Then we had to go to Hollywood Video to get movies for the sleepover. So, we transported ourselves there, and as I was looking through the selection, I saw, hidden away: "Sneak preview: RENT, the director's cut." I screamed for joy!! And I held it to my chest and ran around, delirious. Just as I was shouting, "I love you, Hollywood Video," I woke up.

SO, who's up for bring your own egg night?

[ And by the way, I'm not that obsessed with the RENT movie. Well, maybe a little.
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