Nov 26, 2006 19:58
A Poem
Sometimes, late at night, on facebook
I casually look at my list of friends
Poring through page
Seeing which ones I actually,
talk to. (answer: not a lot)
But anyway,
occasionally I will hover over some boy's name,
forgetting where I knew him
Eyeing some girl's picture and trying to place her:
Was it freshman biology? Did we meet at someone's 16th birthday party?
Did we sit next to each other on the shuttle one day?
Mayhap we were assigned to perform a scene in spanish together and I,
being to lazy to take down an email, or phone number, called out,
"Oh, don't worry, I'll facebook you."
When I look at these long lists of friend after friend,
My mouse hovers over the "remove" button
Honestly, it gives me some sort of
tittilating joy, knowing the power that I have over one person's life
Friend? Or no friend?
It's a difficult dillema, a perplexing puzzle, if you will,
deciding one's social life.
But then again, we all know:
Facebook is for losers.
(edit 7:33pm--i'm going to make this a facebook note. so everyone there can read it)