It makes me kind of sad. I miss their innocent adorable days. Oh well, you've got to grow up SOMETIME. Might as well be now.
This version is actually different than the one they showed at the concerts. The ones at the concert did NOT feature any girls, or Dae's whole scene. Which is odd, I think. Why censor the video for the concert?
I like the video. I think it shows a more mature side of them. I like the Las Vegas imagery. Las Vegas is a city of contradictions. An electric oasis in the middle of the desert. I think it fits rather well with the song, and the image they're showing. I like that they wanted to go to the US to film it. I want them to go to the US more often.
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Last night I went to the YG building. I spent about 4 hours in the freezing cold and slight rain waiting for ANYONE to show up or leave. They didn't. But it was an interesting experience, that's for sure.
I leave Korea tomorrow. I feel a mix of regret for not being here longer, and relief. It's difficult being somewhere you absolutely do not speak the language. I speak NO Korean. I understand only a handful of words.
And, to be honest, I'm slightly bored of it here. This is my third time in Seoul. I've done most of what I want to do. The only things I really WANT to do anymore are shop (which I am fighting against - I need to save money), and do stuff related to Big Bang. Otherwise it's the same old thing. I enjoy it here, but I'm used to it.
I am looking forward to Taiwan. Taiwan is a whole different sort of animal. It's scarier, yes, but at the same time it'll be easier. In Korea I can barely communicate. I know enough Chinese to be able to get around. I can go to restaurants, I can ride buses, I can do stuff that intimidates me greatly in Korea. There are less English speakers, but it's easier to communicate. I am also looking forward to it not being deathly cold each day. Thought it is supposed to rain the entire first week I'm there. Which will be lovely.
I don't know. I'm tired, and getting philosophical, so I'm going to sleep. Or something.