Sep 09, 2010 01:28
I'm on vacation right now - nothing huge, since I have to go back to work on Saturday. I'm in Cape Cod. Despite living only an hour or two away, I haven't been here in like, twenty years. Anyways... I'm currently awake at 1am unable to sleep. You see, I kinda have a phobia of people breaking into my house and attacking me. It's super exacerbated by staying in motels. I'm constantly terrified people are going to come kill me. It's annoying.
Vacation, while super awesome, also means I do not get to watch / listen to 2ne1's new stuff right away. Sadface. I'm sure it's amazing.
I hope to do one huge meta post on their MV's, along with BB's and YB's.
I should probably try to sleep... Typing on an iPod with long nails is not pleasant anyway.
Edit: I just watched the "Clap Your Hands" MV care of my iPod. It was pretty badass. But again, as with all their songs, there was FAR too little Park Bom. I have no idea why she is regulated to the chorus constantly, but she needs bigger parts. I mean, I like Dara, but her voice is not nearly as good as Bom's.