So I'm watched the first episode of Buzzer Beat, and about halfway through I encountered the best scene. One where Yamapi fondles his manboobs manly pecs. MADE OF WIN.
Totally not related, but it's Yamapi being pretty, so whatever
So it starts innocently enough...
This dude is like "Hey, I'm not flabby!" (Yamapi made a comment on how he had flabby muscles, which is kinda a contradiction), so then Yamapi was like "I'll show you what you should look like!"
So he takes off his shirt (which I had been waiting for since there was a bath scene earlier (where they didn't show anything!!)... well, to be truthful I've been waiting for it since Nobuta). So he takes off his shirt, and one of the guys comments on his manboobs, saying something like "Aren't they bigger than a women's?!" to which I LOLed x infinity.
BUT THEN Yamapi decides to fondle himself. TWICE (one on each side, of course) during which time I think I drooled a little bit.
So then one of the others guys was like "I'll show you a body women like!", and then HE TAKES OFF HIS SHIRT TOO! (All while standing in front of a mirror)
So then the last guy takes of HIS SHIRT too (this time because the others were like "show us what you've got!"), and stands in front of the mirror. So we've got four nicely muscled guys standing around shirtless.
And then they start flexing. YUP. Good day to be watching jdramas, I'll tell you. (And either Pi's height is wrong, or Junpei's is, because there is no way they're both 175cm... Pi's way way shorter than Junpei)
The drama also stars Aibu Saki, who is very pretty here, but also quite a bitch so far (she's unsatisfied with Naoki (Pi's character), which is RIDICULOUS, since he's amazing)
Also Ito Hideaki is in it! I squealed a bit when he came out, and was like "Hey! It's Mao-chan's brother from First Kiss only with better hair!"
So yeah, summary of my day so far; hot guys fighting, and hot shirtless guys playing basketball. Not a bad way to spend my time.
I'm glad Kitagawa Keiko is the love interest in this though. I think she's adorable, AND her character's a music student which makes me like her all the more.
ALSO while I was watching I caught a glimpse of someone, and was like "IS THAT AINO MINAKO?!"... IT IS!!! Komatsu Ayaka is in it too, which is awesome since it's like a partial PGSM reunion (Ayaka = Mina, Keiko = Rei)! That makes me happy for some reason.
I need a Yamapi icon.