I'm pretty crazy, but I'm not THAT crazy...

May 15, 2009 08:30

"Do you want to win a date with Kim Hyun Joong?"

OMG I laughed SO MUCH when I read this. I love Hyun Joong, and I'm pretty crazy. But I am nowhere crazy enough to buy loads and loads of chickens just so I can win a date with him (plus, you know, I'm vegetarian... but even if it was a bunch of tofu you had to buy I wouldn't do it)!

I get pretty fanatical about things sometimes, but occasionally I wonder about people. Like, I read a story where in Taiwan, fans of Alan Luo's went to this thing where they got to pretend marrying him, and then took fake wedding portraits. It was bizarre to say the least. That's going a little too far for me. Like, I'd LOVE to go to a fanmeeting, but when you're pretending to marry the dude, that's just a little weird. Course who am I to judge anyone? ;D

That being said, it's a SUPER SMART marketing plan there for the chicken company!

kim hyun joong, i ♥ korea

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