So I'm watching the show, and this happens;
My first reaction, naturally, was "OMG No! Joe! Are you alright?!"
My second was "OF COURSE he gets hit by a car!"... People are ALWAYS getting hit by cars in twdramas. ALWAYS. Come to think of it, I totally need to add that to my twdrama cliche list!
1. Drinking/getting drunk (almost always the female lead)
2. Motorcycles
3. The setting is Taipei
4. Bad boy/good girl
5. Rich boy/poor girl
6. Set in College (a lot of dramas are based on Japanese mangas, which are usually set in high school. The Taiwanese always set them in college instead)
7. Girls passing out all the time
8. Token shot of the 101
9. The same scene being filmed from about 5 different angles
10. People getting hit by cars
11. There is some form of a General Manager (usually hotelier) (One of the FIRST Mandarin phrases I learned was 總經理 (zǒng jīng lǐ, means general manager) They occur THAT often)
And he's bleeding profusely from his head (though belatedly... Obvs the blood packet didn't open correctly)! And I am GREATLY reminded of the Xiao Bai scene in Love Contract. Oh Xiao Bai.... what a horrible horrible thing.
AH!! And the doctor who treats him is TOTALLY Zhang Yong Zheng, who played Joe's father in ISWAK!!
There's a rain scene, but it's ONLY raining on the characters. Seriously, it's SO obvious. On the sidewalk, you can SEE where the wetness begins. And you can so tell they're spraying from a hose. Great production quality twdrama! I still love you.