Am currently uploading lots and lots of CDs onto my brother's new ipod, and whilst doing so, I'm totally looking up pictures of Zai Zai and Fahrenheit.
SO, as a result, PICSPAM
(Definitely one of my favorites!)
(This is, in my opinion, the best hairstyle for him!)
(Dear God is he beautiful, ne?!)
(BTW, just about died when I saw this picture! Just... very good. VERY GOOD. And wet. Yes.... wet... hehehe... yeah)
(With S.H.E. From the 新窩 MV)
(I love how Wu Zun looks like he's doing Calvin's makeup. And Jiro is randomly holding a plate of flowers?! And Aaron is like "wtf?!")
(LOVE this pic!)
(I'm not exactly sure what he's wearing, but it's hot. Very hot.)
(SOOOO cute!! I'm sooo Wu Zun/Ella all the way!)
(OMG the glasses! *dies*!!)
(Hehe! Adorable! I randomly found this picture while looking up F4...)
(He looks like someone else here, but I can't figure out who... Also he looks vaguely Japanese to me in this picture...)
(More adorableness! This is the hair he has in Tokyo Juliet, but I weirdly prefer his shorter hair better... it's weird because I normally like longer hair)
(He has such a freaking amazing body. Anything looks impeccable on him.)
Wow. No coding mistakes. I'm proud of myself!
ALSO, as a (late) Christmas 'present', I am uploading a playlist of a few of my favorite c-pop songs (there is one k-pop song too!).
Download HERE!!(Hosted on Megaupload. It's a rar file, so if for some reason you don't have winrar, you can download it
here. The password for the file is "christmas" (I'm being secular, I know, but whatever). Let me know if it doesn't work.)
Song List
Bye! Boy - 7朵花
Super Star - S.H.E
너를 사랑해 - 한동준
唯舞獨尊 - Jolin Tsai
在這裡等你 - F4
失去 - A-Yue Chang
愛情海 - Ye Qing Long
慢慢的走 - 2女
换换爱 - Wang Chuan Yi
文成公主 - Huang Yi Da
斗牛,要不要 - TANK
新窝 - Fahrenheit (feat. S.H.E)
特务 J - Jolin Tsai
终极陷阱/Yes Sir! - 5566
黯然銷魂 - XL
You'll notice that almost all of the songs (10/15) are from OSTs... that's because I hear of musicians via dramas, so naturally I have a ton of OSTs...
While I didn't post lyrics, I did associate cover art with each of these files. And I tried to get english translations of the titles if possible. So yeah. Hopefully everything works.
So yay!!