Feb 29, 2016 09:09
оказывается, не только женщины себя мучают каблуками да депиляцией, чтоб быть для мужиков привлекательными! сильный пол вон тоже страдает!)))) [вычитано вчера на Амазоне перед походом в парфюмерный магазин]
Honestly, when I first sampled this cologne, I thought it smelled like a mix between pure alcohol and isht. It stunk like utter hell. It just had this very distinct stink to it. But the sales girl said it smelled great, and she said she'd fall in love with me if I were wearing it, so of course I walked straight to the cash register and bought it. I started spraying this crap on myself every morning, and within a few days, I'm starting to get compliments from some girls. I figured, meh, maybe they're just BS'ing me cuz I smell funny. But over the past year, I've kept getting more and more compliments from all sorts of women; young, old, Asian, white, black, rich, poor. Now I'm convinced women LOVE this cologne. I got a couple compliments from guys too.
My bottle is running low so I started doing some research for a new cologne to wear. I found out that FCUK* gets horrible reviews from the guys on youtube (you should really see them - it's bad). I started to have some serious doubts about picking up another bottle of FCUK. But I just got a new, very cute girlfriend and she's in love with my smell, so I ended up buying another bottle.
* - это не стёб и не ругательство, а всего лишь аббревиатура French Connection UK 8)