Public Enemies

Jan 21, 2010 15:19

Last night I watched "Public Enemies" on DVD from Netflix.
I heard that the movie reviewers loved it, but there were so many movies in the theaters at that time, so I waited for the DVD.
I am beginning to wonder if everyone else in the world is seeing different versions of movies than I do. I might have enjoyed it, if it had grabbed my attention or interest, but instead I found it slow, rather dull, and uninteresting. The acting was great, and the writing wasn't half bad (although there were plentiful historical inaccuracies according to wikipedia, I didn't know that until afterward), but the music and cinematography were just bad. It tried to be a docudrama, and many of the scenes felt to me like they were out of a low budget History Channel recreation.

Reviewers loved it, it made good money at the box office, it is very pretty, and has a lot of popular actors and actresses (Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard, Lili Taylor, and many many more) so you may still enjoy it.

update 1: My dad "Also saw it on Netflix. Only gave it 3 stars (a so-so rating for me). It had some suspense, but did not capture my interest as much as it should have."
update 2: After having a rather large flame war with my relatives over the holidays about why I didn't want to go to see Avatar, why I was an idiot for not seeing Avatar, and then why I didn't like Avatar when I did see it, my mother has invited me to go see Avatar again with her on Saturday morning in 3D IMAX.
Oddly enough, I do not find myself saying the obvious "NO OF COURSE NOT!" and I am actually considering it. I don't know if it is curiosity, insanity, or the sneaking suspicion that this is a movie like Batman Begins, which I will have to watch over and over until I finally enjoy watching it. It also worked with the music of Garth Brooks.
Does self-imposed Stockholm Syndrome build character?

In other news:
"It's not the overall degree of human likeness that makes [a robot or animated character] uncanny. It's more a matter of a mismatch. If you have an extremely realistic skin texture, but at the same time cartoonish eyes, or realistic eyes and an unrealistic skin texture, that's very uncanny."

fake, movie, robotics

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