"During several months of 2009, Moscow police looked at fake pictures displayed on their monitors instead of what was supposed to be video from the city surveillance cams. The subcontractor providing the cams was paid on the basis of 'the number of working cams,' so he delivered pre-cooked pictures stored on his servers. The camera company CEO has been arrested."
So, considering that Surveillance Cameras have been proven in several countries to be a complete waste of money (most notably in the UK, which is trapped in the absurd loop of "Surveillance Cameras have made no impact on crime." "We need more Surveillance Cameras!" "Um, still no impact." "MORE MORE MORE" "Seriously, no impact" "Guess what?! I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Surveillance Cameras!!!"
There is little evidence that CCTV deters crime; in fact, there is considerable evidence that it does not.
In London, a Metropolitan Police report showed that in 2008 only one crime was solved per 1000 cameras.
The most measurable effect of CCTV is not on crime prevention, but on a small number of high media-profile case of detection.