The answer is: No.

Oct 19, 2009 10:43

"These folks are absolutely willing to turn themselves in, so I don't want to see a perp walk done for media consumption, said the lawyer for the people who tried to exploit that same media for their own attention grabbing desires.

I wonder if they'll use the Simpsons-Nimoy Defense strategy:
Hello. I'm Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounters is true. And by true, I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is: No.

In other "news", I did the follow-up appointment to discuss the results of my endoscopy. It looks like I encountered something that damaged a part of the intestinal wall, and which is healing. It does not appear to be a lifestyle/behavioral thing, so I'll stay on the prevacid for the next 2-3 months, and somewhere around January I'll step it down to every other day, and then stop taking it all together, and be back to normal.
Last night I opened another pack of cigarettes, meaning I now down to 79 cigarettes before I quit.
A week or two ago I drank my last beer, sorta. I fell asleep after a few sips, and dumped it out in the morning.
I don't remember when I last had coffee. It was probably June.
I have no intention of completely cutting soda out of my diet. It wouldn't work, so why bother trying. I am doing okay at keeping myself down to 1-2 cans on weekdays. I usually don't have any on Saturdays, but I go through a lot at the Sunday night D&D game. Marni is helping me with that, since she shares a large soda with me, which forces me to drink less 'cause I don't want to drink it all and leave her with none. Last night she wasn't at the game, so I went through two large sodas by myself (1 from Burger King, the 2nd from Five Guys.)

After talking about doing it for weeks, on Sunday I finally took 3 hours to play Morrowind. Yes, Morrowind, not Oblivion nor Fallout 3 nor GTA. As I was collecting my notes, I noticed that most of my notes on Morrowind were mixed in with notes on McDonald's Monopoly. I laughed a bit and said, huh, I guess I get the urge to play this game every October.
A few hours later I drove past a McDonald's, saw the Monopoly advertisement, and realized that oh yeah, it's October. I don't know why, but it felt like it was still September until I saw the McD's Monopoly and then it feels like October.
I don't even like McDonalds. I've only played the Monopoly game there 1 year, when our office was within walking distance of 2 McD's and several of us at work were playing together (no one won shit, except for a few free fries and apple pies.)
Why is that a seasonal landmark for me?

morrowind, endoscopy, elder scrolls, stupid people, october, hoax, video games, the simpsons

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