I get knocked down, but I get up again

Jun 18, 2010 16:20

...and apparently, I also use Chumbawumba lyrics as subject lines. ;-)

Thanks so much for the kind words, kids.  Things are better today.  Home is still stressful, but I haven't been there much lately, which is helpful.

Good news for once - I got a call today for a JOB INTERVIEW!!!  Of course, it's 9:00AM Thursday morning downtown, which is the day I leave to go see holycitygirl , but hopefully it will go quickly and I'll have time to go home, change, and still make my 1:30 flight.  This is the first interview I've had in months, so please think good things!

Speaking of good news, did I mention I'm going to see holycitygirl ?  She promises me margaritas and bad karaoke and BYOB painting classes, but really I'm just excited to hang with my girl again. :-)

Have a great weekend! :-)
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