Nov 20, 2011 00:02
went to the bank at the far
side of the store & then back
to front for a cart to cruise
the produce department
-----------------------got two
greenish bananas six oranges
a solid avocado a sweet onion
three lemons one container
raspberries & another blackberries
went wandering seeking baby
carrots on sale
----------------which surprised
me by being organic joined
back up with the cart & head
to the english muffins chicken
thighs frozen healthy choice dinners
with mashed potatoes peach
coconut lite yogurt big bar soap
double rolls toilet paper later
found out I completely forgot
creamy peanut butter
--------------------but anyway
at the register place a bunch of bananas
on the belt a bag of white onions
raspberries & blueberries no lemons
I grabbed way back in produce somebody's
cartful of similar selections
------------------------------& that apologies
are in order starting with the checker
who has already processed a number of
items & then to whoever that unknown
shopper was
------------stuck with my stuff