Three Small Words…

Jul 11, 2009 11:25

Three Small Words

She sighs, shakes her head and walks away, leaving him standing there.
It’s only three small words. Why can’t he say them?  She is not naive, she
came into this relationship with her eyes wide open, but she had held out a
small shimmer of hope that if she opened her heart to him, that maybe he
could let down his guard if only a little…

Spock is a learned man, who knows many words, (in several different
languages, she might add).  So why is it so hard for him to say three
simple words?  He can’t possibly feel as strongly as she does and not be
moved to say them, can he?  Most of the time she wants to shout them loud
enough for everyone on the ship to hear!  So why does she continue to love
him so, knowing that she may never hear those words from his lips? Then she
remembers, those eyes…those all too human eyes that speaks volumes to her
soul.  More expressive than any human male could ever vocalize with mere

He knew this day would come.  The day that she would realize she needs
more, deserves more than he can give.  They are just three small words.  He
wants so much to say them.  He wants to command his mouth to speak the
words she is longing to hear.  She asks for so little, but yet to him it
seems like the world.  She is asking him to go against a lifetime of
training and hundreds of years of Vulcan discipline.

When her door chimes, she says, “Enter.”  Spock stands hesitantly in the
doorway. “Nyota…I….I.”  She holds out her arms and he falls into them and
sighs against her neck.  She whispers, “I know, baby, I know.  I love you


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