May 04, 2005 16:54
So last night I hung out with some old time, primary/highschool friends. They always make up missions to complete. Throughout the night we did missions like - Pull over someone you know. Get pulled over. Get TaNi drunk. So after having a beer and deciding drinking wasn't going to be my thing that night, we went over to Cameron's and played some air hockey. I kicked Amy's ass, and went on to defeat the great bitchstress, Kim. (I love ya kim-kim). I looked at my thumb and saw a good sized piece of skin hanging off. (vomit now), I pulled it off and it revealed some raw skin on the side of my thumb. You know blisters hurt. you know. Remember walking to school 20 miles, uphill both ways? Those shoes wore you a good one. So it's been hurting. I never realized how much I use this poor thumb. It's hard to even use the space bar. maybeishouldjustgiveuponthedamnthing
Another trouble I had was helping Daphne button up her shirt for work. My thumb just laid there and didn't help out with a damn thing. Lazy bastard. I even had a hard time lighting up my cigarette. I can light it left handed, but I don't think about it, I just automatically light it with the right. And it hurts. It almost feels like a nerve was pinched in the back of my thumb. I gotta calm down when I get down and dirty with the air hockey table. I need to quit using my big buff biceps. ( know how scrawny I am...scrawny TaNi)
So there's my rant about my dead useless achy thumb. Thanks for nothing, thumb.