Could Have Been A Lot Worse

Nov 01, 2014 12:41

On October 9th, my husband was on a ladder cutting a branch when the branch snapped, knocking the ladder. He called out, I turned and watched him fall to the ground. You know how the movies show stuff in slow motion? That's how I keep seeing it, over and over. He landed with his arm under him, smashing his wrist and dislocating and fracturing his shoulder. He also fractured his pelvis in three places. He spent a week in a hospital where they set his wrist with a steel plate and pins. He's home now. He's getting more mobile but he needs help with everything so all of my time is taken up and then some. The toughest thing right now is sleep. I can only sleep when he does and his pain keeps him from sleeping longer than 2 or 3 hours at a time. So it's been a crazy three weeks and I'm not sure how long it'll stay crazy but things are coming back around to normal. Oh, and I've lost weight and I'm getting back in shape, so there's that.

health, personal, family

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