So I Got an Email Today

Sep 05, 2014 03:08

My mother, so matter-of-factly, just letting us kids know that on Friday the 12th she will be "having a procedure where they sedate you and shock your heart with paddles."

Of course I called her immediately because she's 1700 miles away from me.

I learned that she was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation 20 years ago. Why did I not know this before? Oh, because it wasn't really anything. Whenever it "bothered" her she could "fix it with a good cough." But this past week she was having some trouble and noticed she'd lost some color so she went to the nurse who checked her and sent her straight to her doctor and now a cardiologist has her on Warfarin, but hopefully the procedure will "fix the problem so I won't need to take it anymore."


Two of my sisters live less than an hour away from her and both have made plans to be with her during and after. One more sister, a brother and I are way the heck far away. Hubby says we can hit the road Sunday and be there by Tuesday.

She lives in a retirement community and knows "lots of people here who have this problem and they're doing fine." I'm not supposed to worry because she's got lots of reasons to stick around for good while.

I trust her.

love, personal, family

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