Reaching Out For Dreamwidth Info

Dec 07, 2012 22:18

I'm using all of my free time, albeit not much time, but anyway, to catch up on the past 8-ish weeks here at LJ.

I'm reading a lot of angst, I'm still back in October, about LJ redesigns and pulling out of the US and ????

So I'm thinking it might be time for me to seriously consider signing up at Dreamwidth.

But, well, those of you who know me know how much I dread change.

I know Dreamwidth works on an invite-only basis but also, right now, they are maybe taking advantage of the LJ situation and have opened up signing up for a free account. One of my suspicions questions right now is if there is a difference between this open free account offer and an invite account?

So if anyone has info, be it pro or con or neutral...all is welcome. Need input!

Otherwise I'm sure I'll just shuffle on back into my safe and cozy LJ corner. For however long I may have one.

personal, blogging

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