Hope Does Spring

Sep 07, 2012 00:02

Hubby and I just went to see Hope Springs. We've been wanting to see it since it came out but just couldn't fit it in. Then we saw the little local theater is showing it and we promised ourselves we'd get there and we did, today, the last day. What a great movie! Lots of it, little bits here and there, "hit home" and, each time, he or I snuggled a little bit closer together. Dear Hollywood, please make more movies and shows with stories like this!

I've been cleaning up my email archives, which is oh so boringly tedious! I came across an email from 2004 regarding work stuff that I'd sent from home. It was a "note to self" thing all full of programming gobbledygook.  I barely remember what any of it means. Sad or glad? A little of both.

I guess I did a good job of breaking my fall. I don't have anything hurting too bad. My neck and right shoulder do a little bit. Yay!

health, personal, work

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