Apr 21, 2005 13:13
tuesday when i went to the ortho i got spacers, let me tell you those little bitches hurt my teeth so freaking bad! i already broke one eating lol. i can only lose 1 or 2 of them & have to keep then in till may 4th (when i get the actual braces) & ps - we won our game! yesterday was a regular day, school was gay because it was an odd day. & i have to do a power point on sex & all that for heath, mrs.witherington wasn't in a good mood 5th period so no movies, & we got new seats. i don't sit by roger anymore, but i sit closer to zahra & not far enough away from zach smith!
anways today was the worst ever! i went in just for spanish & most of math, great? i left math at 925 for my dentist appointment at 10 to GET MY TEETH PULLED! holy shit i was so freaking scared. i got there & had to sit & wait for them to finish something up cleaning these other kids nasty teeth :-x, so all i could do was think about them drilling into my mouth, it was soo bad! plus i heard these loud ass drill noises going off so i would jump every 2 seconds. so eventually my dentist came out, he's super nice & so are the two like "back up dentists" lol. i got 7 shots of novacane all together & then 3 extra shots on one side that wouldn't get numb. those shots hurt like a fucking bitch. i ended up crying & my makeup was running down my cheek lol. they were suppose to pull 4 teeth, but could only pull 2. my tolerance for pain is like .5! my whole upper lip is completely numb. i can't feel my gums, nose, or cheeks. my mom said it will wear off in 2-4 hours & the pain will kick in. i got this really strong pain medicine that will nock me out though =) pretty sweet. after i sucked it up & got the teeth out, i went to potomac mills bleeding soo much cause i wouldn't stop talking lol, dude it's so fucking hard not too & got laura's birthday gift, it's really cute! & then after that we went to applebees with my mom & grandma & got food. i can't drink anything through a straw, or eat things really hot or really cold. but besides that i can barely chew anything up and swallow it, it pretty much blows. it was so hard to eat lunch there. plus everyone was looking at my like a fucking weirdo with gause in my mouth =/ um i'm probably going to go take some more medicine & watch a movie & go to bed. i have a game tomorrow against potomac, i have no idea where it is though. i guess i'm going to go i was really just writing to write about getting my teeth pulled. i'm going to go back next wed. to get the other 2 pulled, oh boy.
anways write later. leave comments <3
ps ~ he stiched the top of my mouth & there's string hanging out !!
pps ~ i hate liars, & people that put words in my mouth or other peoples.