Feb 26, 2005 10:59
hokay so it's been like 5 days since i've written in here. but basically we've just been off school since thursday which is pretty sweet if you ask me :]
but oh baby let me tell you about last night. eee it was so much fun! soo lets see we were all at lauren robeys house. it was me, lauraK, laurenR, amandaM, amandaK [that's 3 amanda's so far incase you didn't know lol] kaeleaW, lindseyR, mindyB, robynM, aliF, jennH [ali & jenn are from GF] and then there were two girls there that were friends of just lauren. ooh yeah and PATRICK BURKE CAME? long story. lol so anways. like in the beginning we were upstairs in lauren's brothers old room [it's so sad because we were all hanging out because lauren's moving =[ and her house is so empty and all the walls and writing this makes me wanna cry, lauren i'm going to miss you so much] so we were all just talking about everything and laughing at anything. it was so funny. THEN i HAD THE iDEA TO GO TO THE SCHOOL AT 1030 TO SWiNG IN 2 DEGREE WHEATHER =] call me a genius if you wanna. so we were all walking up to the school and i had laurens cell like the whole night and wouldn't stop listening to the ring tones that play for like 2 minutes lol. soo funny! anways..there's only 4 swings at westridge. so me amanda krauss and kaelea took off to get the swings and like fell down the hill lol =] finally when everyone caught up to us kaelea jumps off the swing like 100ft in the air and its like THE COPS ARE COMiNG RUNN [she made it seem like we were smoking up or drinking and then tried to peace out] so theeeeeeen..me and amanda were still swinging like gangsters lol then we peaced out and took off in different directions. i SWEAR ON MY LiFE..THAT COP WAS GOiNG LiKE A 100 MPH AND WHEN HE SAW ME AND AMANDA HE STARTED SPEADiNG UP LiKE HE WANTED TO RUN US OVER! i THOUGHT HE WAS GOiNG TO RUN THE LiTTLE PLAYGROUND OVER! it was so scary. my heart like dropped to the ground. and i finally caught up with kaelea laura and jenn. we stopped running when we got to the top of the stairs, then laura saw the PO's again and we took off and then stopped because he somehow got infront of us and JUMPED OUT, and was like FREEZE. THEN my stomach dropped lol. soo he walked over with that big ass flashlight shinning it all over the place. he was like who has ID and kaelea's like ID? like she didn't know what it was lol. then i started to get an attitude of course. soo i was like none of us drive we have no ID and why were you acting liek you were going to run us over and hes like i was going to and looked me right in the eye and i was like WHAT THATS AGAiNST THE LAW, YOU COULD GET iN TROUBLE FOR THAT. and hes like no you could get in trouble for being at the school past hours and i COULD SEND YOU TO JAiL FOR 30 DAYS. wtf..what a liar face. anways THAT WAS THE FUNNiEST and what happened to amanda krauss while she was running lol =] i've never had such a rush lol. but yeah it was funny. then we went back to laurens. and tried to watch saw but everyone was talking. then later patrick came over? lol it was random as hell. but i tucked him in a bed lol. it was so funny. anways once patty face left we kinda like went to bed. some other stuff happened OUTSiDE but yeah thats beside the point lol. OH YEAH and me and lindsey were sleeping on this like baby couch thingy and she was alllllllllll over it..then amanda krauss was on the bottom in like a ball? lol it was soo funny. THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN LAST NIGHT
i have no idea what i'm doing today, but it better be fun. so let me know what you're doing<3
comments please =]