
Feb 20, 2005 20:54

Name: Jessica
Birthday: november 1, 1988
Eye Color: hazel green
Hair Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Status: taken

[series 2 - your favorite ]
Music: i like anything basically.
Cartoon: braceface
Color: pink/purple
Car: grand prix or grand am
Slushy Flavor: rasberry
Magazine: cosmopolitan
TV Show: friends, full house
Song at the Moment: ashanti - only you
Language: english. cant speak italian!
Spice Girl: ginger!
Subject in School: ART. wish i took it this yr.
Weekend Activity: i have no life.
Roller Coaster: superman shooooot.
Instrument: drums. i could try to play wouldnt want to hear it tho.
Band of all time: BLINK 182!
Band for right now: greenday

[series 3 - what is ]
Your most over-used phrase: shooooooooooooot
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: Derek.
Your best feature: idk everyone likes my hair..i dont. maybe my eyes tho?
Your greatest fear: dieing
Your greatest accomplishment: idk.
Your most missed memory: 7/8th gr.

[series 4 - you prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
Adidas or Nike: nike
Dogs or Cats: dogs
Monica or Brandy: Monica
Tupac or Jay-Z: TUPAC! cuz i like kaits fish.
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Shania!!!!
Guns N Roses or Velvet Revolver: Guns N Roses
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
One pillow or Two: 2
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: hot chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee: cappucino
Doritos or Potatoe Chips: doritos
Black and white or color: idk?....depends how it looks.

[series 5 - do you ]
Have a crush: i have a bf.
Think you've been in love: idk...might be
Want to go to college: yes...sorta...maybe?
Like middle school/high school: only because of my friends.
Want to get married: yes
Type correctly: sometimes...
Believe in yourself: no
Have any tattoos? Where: not yet ...want one tho
Have any piercings? Where: ears
Get motion sickness: not usually
Think you're a health freak: noope
Get along with your parents: no sometimes.
Like thunderstorms: NO!
Want anyone dead? Who: maybe. yeah.

[series 6 - the future ]
Age your plan to be married: i want to be married by 25
Number of children you want: 2 or 3
Where will you be at age 20: college.
Dream wedding: big wedding with friends and family
How do you want to die: in my sleep
Dream job: idk....actress.
Country you'd like to visit: ITALY.

[series 7 - opposite sex ]
Best eye color: brown/green
Best hair color: brown
Best height: taller then a couple inches.
Best weight: not fat. but not bony skinny.
Best clothes: anything that looks good on them
Music style: doesnt matter
Best first date location: idk..
Best first kiss location: hot tub shoooot.

[series 8 - other ]
Last time you slept with a stuffed animal: last night.
Rings before you answer the phone: usually like 2 or 3
What's on your mousepad: the color blue
How many houses you've lived in: 2
How many schools you've gone to: 3
Which Schools: washington Irving, the ms, the hs
Bedroom carpet color: pink
Stranded on a desert island. Take three things. No people: computer, tv, phone
Best time of your life so far: When me and kait walked around her niaghborhood with bright blue toothpaste all over. best day of me life.
Worst time of your life so far: i dont know...dont have one.
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