i made it to california. twas quite an experience. i've been here a little over a month.. everythings great :) i love andrew.. more than i've ever felt before. he's great.. havent had internet for a month.. just found out there was a mobile for livejournal which i'm extremely happy about. i finallyy got a job.. at subway lol. i'm gonna be the store manager after a few weeks which i'm real excited about. i was only a shift leader before. californias nice, but we do eventually plan to move to maine. i'm going home to visit in october. oh, and i've cut my hair just below my ears and dyed it all black with one small blonde streak. havent quit smokin just yet.. but cut back a lot! sometimes its hard cause of lack of money but our roommate aarons cool, and andrew puts me above all else. last night i was sooo sick from walking for over an hour in 100 degree weather and he shut off his game and tucked me in and took care of me because i was so miserable. he really is the best thing to ever happen to me. :)
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