(no subject)

Jun 18, 2005 12:18

Ever been called..

Dumb?: yesh
Retarded?: lol, yep.
Ugly?: yup
Hot?: yup
Fat?: no
Anorexic?: no
A waste of space?: not exactly
Useless?: no
Smelly?: yes.. by flynny
A Slut?: ofcourse
Beautiful?: yeah, like once?
Smart?: yes
Quiet?: neverrr
Boring?: nopee
A Bitch?: yep
Rebel?: haha, i guess?
Conceited?: nope


What are you wearing?: pajamies
Who are you talking to?: katie
How is the weather?: i guesh its okay
What are you listening to?: 92.3
What/Who are you thinking about?: things and people i should stop thinking about..
What are you looking forward to?: my cousins coming from montana, tonight:)
What are you dreading?: regents / the day he realizes he wants nothing to do w/ me
How are you feeling?: happy / sad / lonely / hungry
How is your hair?: a mess, as always.
What are you annoyed by?: a few things at the moment.


What emotion do you feel the most?: recently, stressed but mostly excited
What songs make you cry?: um.. none =\
What movies make you cry?: the notebook!!!!!!!!!
What always cheers you up?: him / katie / icecream =\
What makes you madder than anything?: being ignored
What hurts you the most?: hims
Who makes you happy?: my most bestest friends, and feffie
Depressed?: assholes
Are you a really emotional person?: yesh, i suppose
What do you do when you're depressed?: eat
What song do you think was written about your life?: none =\

When Was The Last Time You..

Burped?: idk yesturday?
Went to the movies?: wed.
Went out to eat?: 2 nights ago maybe?
Got dumped?: hmm, i don't know.
Dumped someone?: idk like 4 months ago?
Threw up?: ewwy 2 years ago
Went skating?: um.. i have no idea:(
Got into a fight?: i dont get into fights =\


Do you do drugs?: no
Do you have a mental disability/illness?: haha.. nopeee.
Are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: nope.
Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?: nope.
What kinds of illnesses run in your family?: cancer

Who was the last person you...

Talked to?: katie or ryan..
Yelled at?: my mommy
Kissed: =X
Hugged?: my daddy
Talked to on the phone?: katieeee
IMed?: i cant remember =\
E-Mail?: fuck that
Got flowers from?: my daddy
Danced with?: douglas
Fought with?: idk probably douglas
Worried about?: a lot of people. i always worry, way too much
Cried over?: =[
Thought about?: =\ thats a stupid qustion

Are you...

Understanding?: i guess
Pretty?: somtimes
Nice?: ha no
A bitch?: yes
Hard to get?: depends
Confident?: sometimes, not lately
Depressed?: not really
Hyper?: always
Friendly?: i can be..
Hungry?: nah, k just had waffles
Original?: i think so
Shy?: ew no
Emotional?: yesh
Messy?: hehe yes
Immature?: i guess i can be at times
Sad?: when i think about certain things
Trusting?: i try
Healthy?: i think
Sleepy?: no
Lonely?: yeah
Independent?: yeap
Romantic?: yeppp

Do You...

Do you drink [alcohol]?: yesh
Do you party a lot?: yes ma'am
Do you use drugs for recreational purposes?: no
How often do you use the word "like" in an average hour?: i dunno, alot?
Do you skip classes? How often?: sometimes, not alot
Do you steal?: noooo, katie does =]
Do you wear inappropriate clothing?: i wear whatever
Do you drool over celebrities?: lol a few (john travolta)
Do you watch a lot of TV?: yesh
Do you ever watch the news?: noo
Do you read books often?: yesh, lots
Are you failing a lot of your classes?: nope
Do you spend most of your time with your friends?: yeap.
Do you smoke cigarettes?: noo
Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens: yesh =\
Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone?: ehh, i guess sometimes. a crush is a crush
Do you cuss a lot?: not alot, sometimes
Are you desperate to fit in?: with who? nooo
Are you intelligent?: i can be..
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearance?: depends
Make-up?: blush, mascara, eyeliner.. depends on the occasion
Low-cut tops?: haha sometimes
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?: lol, when i'm nervous.. yes
Giggle a lot?: yesh, lots
YM, Teen, Cosmo, at all?: mhm

[In the last 24 hours, have you]

Cried: nope, surpriseingly
Bought something: yeap
Gotten sick: nahh
Sang: hehe yesh
Eaten: yup
Been kissed: yeah, on the cheek
Felt stupid: a little
Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: ofcourse
Met someone new: haha yeah, like 4 people
Moved on: no
Talked to someone you have a crush on: yesh
Had a serious talk: with katie and my mommy
Missed someone: yeah
Hugged someone: yep
Fought with your parents: with mommy, but just a little.
Dreamed about someone you can't be with: actually - yes


Who is your role model: hmmm, my daddy i guess
What are some of your pet peeves: cheaters, users, sluts, smelly ppl
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: ofcourse, thats my situation now
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: too much
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: not really, they hafta be outgoing, sorta - not shy
Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): white lies
Ever liked your friend: yes
Do you want to get married: yeap
Do you want kids: 3 =]
Are you happy with you: not completely
Are you happy with your life: no, not at all
If you could change something in your life right now, what would you change?: the situation im in, i never would have started this - i would have left well enough alone, not chaseing him
Pierce your nose or tongue?: nooo
Be serious or be funny?: usually funny but everyone needs to be serious at times
Do you have a crush? yesh
Who is it? psh.


A - AGE: 16
C - CRUSH: ughh dont get me started
D - DAD'S NAME: Greg
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: doug, katie, my mommy
F - FAVORITE BAND: phantom planet, franz ferdinand, nirvana, hole, and more
H - HOMETOWN : Hicksville
I - INSTRUMENT : clarinet =]
J- JOB: apricot fucking laneeee
K - KIDS : no but i want 3, jessica-kurt-and the father can pick the last 1 lol
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE : hmmm idk
M - MOM'S NAME : Kelly
O - ONE WISH: to be completely with him
P - PHOBIA(S) : the dark
R - REASON TO SMILE: katie and doug =\
S - SONG YOU LAST SANG : oh gosh idk
T - TIME YOU WAKE UP : whenever, usually around 11 or 12
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT YOU: every1 knows me =\
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: ewwww brocoli
W - WORST HABIT(S) : biteing my nails
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: my ankle
Y - YUMMY FOOD : icecream, cheese, pastacios, all that shizz.
Z - ZODIAC SIGN : aries
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