Mar 04, 2005 21:38
Hey guys,
As of right n0w I'm sittin' in Felicia's r0om
&& we're talking ab0ut what we're g0ing t0 d0 today; buttt
we're n0t gettin' very far. Anywayyy..
Yesterday [as planned] *Kaitlin, Jill & Chelsea
came over & it was much0 fun. Ar0und 5:30ish Pete came over &
that was exciting! [I miss him already!]
We ordered Domino's [5 pizzas!] & Kait & Jill b0th ate 1 pizza
each. It was real funny. I didn't think that they were really g0ing to
d0 it. Haha.
My m0m's g0ing out t0night to s0me place. So0; that
means' Felicia & I have the h0use to ourselves. So; I think Kate
& Nina are c0ming over. Funnn.
That's all. I g0tta get dressed and shizzz; pZ.
Pete* <33 I love you!