
Sep 07, 2006 02:47

Well, me and ashley broke up about a month ago. I cant believe I was so stupid to let her go. Now shes found someone else. I'm really broken up about it. I'm not complaining about it, but, I miss her bunches. I wish I had some way to get her to see that I truly love her. No matter what ive done in the past. I've been with this girl for 2 years, thats a lo0ng fucking time. I just wish I could get her to see, what she means to me. Even though we fought, I still think she was the one for me. She may never have believed me, but I swear to anything that she was in my heart the whole time. I've done wrong probably 100 times by her, but people make mistakes, but the biggest one I dont wanna make, is live the rest of my life without her. I"m a dumbass, sure. but what guy isnt? She grew on me unlike any other woman I've ever met in my life. She was my life, no matter how much we fought, no matter what, I still loved her, and I still do. I just wanted to get this off my chest. I'm probably gonna enlist in the military....but whatever it is, I want anyone that reads this, to know that I will never stop loving that girl, no matter what. It's not called heartbreak for nothing.
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