Well, don't even remember the last time I updated this ish. Summer has been goin grrreat so far. I guess I will just give you random memories. Well, its been alot of work and alot of school lately. Today was a good time. I got off school around 10:30, then went to eggs n things with Chaz, Morgy, and Rosie. I got home, and then my dad wanted me to go to circuit city with him, and we ended up gettin me asexy new digital camera. Haven't used it yet....stlil gotta figure it out. I went to lake naci last weekend and that was a good time, tried out my new wakeboard and it kicked ass. Ripped it up.
Me and Stephie hung out at kate's hosue another night and tried to figure out what was wrong with the TV.....if she had only listened to me it would have been alot easier..haha. Its ok Kate. It was pretty hottt seeing your momma walk in with her nightgown serenading us with her song....amazing. Even have clips of the night saved in my phone.
Hmm....I went and saw I, Robot with Rosie and Bryant.... don't beleive the ratings, that movie kicked ass everyone. I got a postcard from Mandy and that was pretty exciting..haha. Ummm.....got my snowboard waxed even though im not gonna be able to use it for like hmm...4 months? Depressing. The lake has been making up for it though. Went down to Isla Vista about 4 times this summer so far....its official...UCSB is my first school choice for college. Possibly some of the best parties I have ever been to. Well...I am sure you all are tired of hearing about me....but I guess thats what these things are for. I will try to update more often.....LAAAATEEE.