"What is the answer to life?"
"Come back in 7 and a half million years and I will know."
"You can't tell us now?"
"I will know in 7 and a half million years."
::7 and a half million years later::
"What is the answer to life?"
"I will tell you... but you're not going to like it."
"Well, it does not matter! We want to know! What is the answer to life?"
"You're not going to like it... but the answer to life is 42."
Me: "OOOOH!!!!! I get it!!!!!"
::The whole theater turns and stares at me::
I knew what Chris Shearer was talking about in English that one day for some reason we were saying "what is the meaning of life? what is the answer to life?" <<--That's why I "ooh"-ed. Not because I actually thought the answer to life was 42. haha... it was pretty funny cause half the theater probably thought that I thought the answer to life was actually 42. haha.