Apr 03, 2009 00:14
one thing that i'll miss the most
is summers here, in college
theres a feeling in the air during summer that just doesn't exist, at any other time in life
the hot air
windows of every sort, always down and open
stocking up on shorts
feeling free, and relaxed, and young
summer nights, the warm air, the summer bugs making noises
spontaneity, running to pools and hottubs and spas in the middle of the night
showering chlorine from your hair
hot sand, the smell of beaches, the feeling after a long day in the sun, feeling grimy and tired but in the best possible way
driving fast with the wind in our hair, and loud music swirling
waking up late, waking up early, not really thinking when we woke up, because it was always a hot sunny day ahead, with not much to worry about
maybe a stroll through campus for an afternoon class, wearing flip-flops and summer dresses
and a call from friends later, to convene for beers or a bonfire or a late-night swim
feeling like nothing would ever end, like it would always be this perfect