Nov 14, 2005 20:06

It is to my knowledge that I am one of the few that is considered to be a crowd killer. Now what is a crowd killer? A crowd killer is someone who does “too much”. But the one’s who say this are either A. Lazy or B. Can’t do shit, and don’t even belong in a wrestling ring. Well if performing to the crowd and giving them something to enjoy is too much, then I am guilty on all charges. But to tell me how to wrestle is ricockulous. Give me advice, help me out, that's fine. Don’t be pissed off at me because, I work hard, and try my best to give the people something to enjoy. I don’t tell these guys how to work, so why do they have to tell me? If you want to go out there and do nothing and hear..................... Then by all means do it. But have you ever wondered why the crowds are dead these days in Minnesota? It's not cause of small guys like me.

If I want to drop someone on their head, kick them in the face, well fuck, I’ll do it. Uh-Oh! I’m not there to impress some dudes that haven’t been able to catch a break for the past 10-15 years. Take that how you want it, because I really don’t give a shit. But it may be a sign… RE-FUCKING-TIRE!!! Wait, you have to accomplish something first in order to retire.

See I wrestle mainly to hang out with my buddies. I can guarantee you all that it isn’t for the money. The majority of us don’t even make as much money as some homeless shit bag collecting cans.

If any worker has a problem with the way I wrestle, take it up with the promoters that are booking me. Until then rub your balls to the Adventures of Chip and Dale and the Rescue Rangers.

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