Summer Theme 2015 # Sign-Up

May 18, 2015 22:23

Kind of parcel: Summer Items
Means: It's Summer Time, please send your partner anything Summer related. Kathleen 7wildwaysup suggested maybe something like picnics, cookouts and barbeques. Anything related to Summer at all :)
Sign up: Leave a comment to this post if you want to join this round.
Deadline for sign up: June 25th 2015

NOTE: If you are not a member and wish to sign up, please PM me or dunderklumpen and one of us will add you :)

This Theme Is Now Cancelled

I won't be doing a Halloween round this year but there will be a Christmas round so I hope you'll take part in that.

This community used to thrive but no one seems interested in parcel exchanging anymore. :(

round 15, summer 2015, summer theme sign up

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