You Are 37% American

America: You don't love it or want to leave it.
But you wouldn't mind giving it an extreme make over.
On the 4th of July, you'll fly a freak flag instead...
And give Uncle Sam a sucker punch!
How American Are You? haha.
Interview at Cafe Presse today, which went very well. I relaly hope I can quit the fucking diner soon.
also, I found these funny:
Those are my prints of "Pulp Fiction" from last year. I lick like them, much like h.i.m.
all dressed up & no where's to go! haha, I had so much mousse in my hair & the pigtails scared Rhianna. Actually, she just didn't say anything, only shook her head. She loves me. :)
I leave for p.e.i. on the 13th (saturday) at fucking 5 in the morning (when our cab gets here) and I won't be back until the 20th. However, since my bday's on the 23rd and we're going to the EX the day after, I doubt I'll be available for anything ... which involves movement, until the 26th.
Please contact my secretary and work something out.
♥ Nat
PS, for Syd because I love you:
dresden dolls - coin-operated boy I hope it shows up...