Mar 01, 2004 03:57
Yeah, so saturday, was Yu-Gi-oh regionals, and the top 4 got an invitation to nationals. Myself, Bryan, Martin, Chin, winner, and Chin's little brother (who's name i can't spell, and if i could you still wouldn't read it right) all went. it was pretty hecktick. IF anyone that reads this has experienced forensics, then you know it was like. we had postings, and when they went up people went crazy tryng to get there to see them. there were 8 rounds and you had to play in all of them, kinda like a round robin type deal. well i had a new deck with me, and it didn't do so hot. Bryan and Martin were 4-0 after the first round, i was 3-1, which was still good enough, but i had to win all the rest of my rounds pretty much. Our friends Al and Chad were there, and they are both really good, Al got beat in his first 2 matchs, so he eventually dropped. i was kinda discouraged, after my 2nd round when this little kid, with crazy hair, just straight out whoooooped my ass. i lost two games straight to that kid. that sucked. Well i ended the day at 5-3 and out of 218 people i was 49th. Bryan at one point was 6-0, and Martin managed to lose his next 2 rounds in a row, so he was 4-2. Chin, Winner, and Chin's bro, didn't do so well. i felt bad, but we couldn't expect them to do that great, cause they weren't really up on what was new and what wasn't. So Bryan was the only one that had a real shot, and if you were in the top 8 you went head to head elimination. well bryan lost his next round so he was at 6-1, that kinda sucked, i think his spirit was a little broken after that. but he was still in contendership, i didn't see his last round, but aparently he was cheated out of that match, cause in the 3rd game, a judge made a wrong call. that was the most disapointing thing about it, we were at the yugioh regionals, and we all knew more than the judges did about the game. it was so dumb. but i guess thats what we have to deal with. well if anyone actually read this then you will read this last thing i have to say...i have a new screen name. If you want it, let me know by e-mailing me at, or call me, or IM me on LennyTheShark, cause i will occasionally go on there. well thats all for now...thanks