Name: annie
Location: Perth, Australia
Sexuality: dyke
Why you think you're ugly: Because the user-pic photo I've included with this post is the most flattering picture ever taken of me!
PROOF?: In year 9, in tech-drawing; this guy (Carlos) who sat just in front of me, used to turn around every class and say "Why are you so ugly?"
Why you still rock in bed: coz Jo says so.
I've added one:
Why you want to join uglylesbianstoo:
1.) because joining nonuglylesbians would take waaaaaay too much makeup
2.) because ugly-mugs have the BEST sense of humour:
PROOF?: In year 9, in tech-drawing; this guy (Carlos) who sat just in front of me, used to turn around every class and say "Why are you so ugly?" ... After ignoring the twat for 3 weeks, I'd finally had enough - besides I was PMTing.... so I said, "Gee Carlos, I dunno. Maybe I'm related to you?" He never bothered me again!
3.) because
fish (from what I've read) is an absolute legend! and Flagstaff rocks!
Wanna know anything else?